Thursday 13 November 2014

Nipple Nurture Balm ¦Review¦ Fairhaven Health

Hi everyone... Hope you are all well and having a lovely day/night. Today I want to tell you about the product I received from Fairhaven Health which I mentioned in a blog and video about a month ago now!! 

So a little bit about the product. The website details state that this heals and protects sore or cracked nipples. It's made from organic products that are safe for you and you baby meaning it doesn't need washing off before a feed. Their are also no animal products in this balm and it's also not tested on animals.

The product retails at $11.95 so it's not overly expensive, but you may be able to find something slightly cheaper perhaps? Converted to UK £ it would retail just under £8.00 so you could certainly probably find something cheaper. So let's see if its worth the money? 

When I first opened the pot it is completely sealed which is always nice, because I hate when you get home with a pot of cream or something to discover someone went and dipped their grubby paws in it already! -- slight germ-o-phobe 

When first seeing the product I thought Oh goodness that's going to be fun, messy and thick to try and even spread on my nipples! However when I rubbed the balm with my finger it turns to an oil! It's so easy and smooth! Which was a huge relief , when breastfeeding my first son I brought a nipple balm that was so thick and hard to rub on the nipple that I had to sit on it for a good 5 minutes to warm the product up so it would liquefy slightly first! When you have sore, cracked nipples the last thing you want is to feel like your scrapping a cream onto them!! 

I used this balm straight away when getting home, my overall opinion on the product is that it's good at "rehydrating" the nipples, but to help heal and sooth them I wouldn't say it was great. As I have previously mentioned the product is very oil like, so it does unfortunately stain clothes, It does come out after washing however it leaves a faint mark. However when using breast pads you can avoid getting any on your nursing bra etc.

Have you used this product what did you think of it? 

Sara xoxo 

Thursday 16 October 2014

Future Nursing Product ¦ REVIEWS ¦ FAIR HAVEN HEALTH

Hey everyone, thought I would share a little extra on my blog this week. I uploaded a video an unboxing video last week on Friday of a package I received from Fairhaven Health  A company that specialises in nursing products and fertility aid for those trying to conceive a baby.

My video I was posted is to give you all my first thoughts on each product. As I wont be able to review the products until the baby is born. At the moment he's over due, check my 40 week blog update . I plan to use all the products as much as possible before reviewing them in depth on my blog here including pictures and with a video for some of them I hope! So going on the guidelines 3-4 weeks use out of most of the products should give me enough of a fair trial to see what I think.

Here's my unboxing video.

The products I received:

Happy Bottom Baby balm, Sitting Pretty soothing spray, Nursing blend breastfeeding supplements and nipple nurture balm. 
(The picture above has been provided by fairhaven health, any other pictures that are my own will have my blog  web address on them.)

Look out for the up coming reviews!! 

I will put out a little disclaimer that I have not been paid or sponsored to share this video or blog with you all. The company contacted me asking me to take a look at what they have to offer for nursing mom's so that I could review a few products for them. All the opinions are my own honest thoughts and have/will not be influenced in anyway. 

Wednesday 15 October 2014


Hi guys and welcome back... Well we haven't gone into labour yet, however I haven't had the time to film my update from our appointment this Monday. Honestly I don't seem to have the energy at the moment to do a lot at all. But I at least wanted to be able to update you guys on what has happened. Hopefully when he comes I will be filming a Labour and Delivery Story for you all which I will include a brief 40 week appointment update to refresh myself and you guys!! But for now I'll tell you what I can here!!

While writing this update I'm now 40 Weeks and 4 days overdue! Quite uncomfortable now as at our last appointment he was showing as fully engaged! My hips are agony at night time to move over into any other direction and of course my bladder is the size of a ping pong ball.

I'm not someone who likes to be "moany" or anything but I guess this is reality of going overdue with a pregnancy. It's rather new to me even though I have been pregnant before, I never went over with my first son!! It's a little upsetting that my body isn't naturally starting labour at the moment and really frustrating! My hormones are all over the place too ... Up and down constantly!! Think this is the most hormonal I have been throughout my whole pregnancy, more so because I want to meet this little man so bad!!

My appointment went well like I mentioned he is fully engaged, and we had a membrane sweep done on Monday, But I don't think it's done anything at all.

What's a membrane Sweep?? This can also be known as a cervix sweep. offered to women who are overdue to try and induce labour in a more natural method. It involves an internal examination where your midwife or doctor will "sweep" their finger around your cervix. This is to try and separate the membranes from the amniotic sac. Doing this helps the body release a hormone called prostaglandins which may kick start your labour. The experience shouldn't be painful but this can differ from person to person. You can get spotting afterwords.

I didn't find my sweep painful or too uncomfortable really, but everyone is different and have different levels of pain tolerance etc. Some can also be down to how relaxed you are during the procedure. My midwife was lovely and just said if I needed her to stop then just to say!! I unfortunately didn't have a great membrane sweep, Helen the midwife said in terms of sweeps it wasn't great as I haven't lost any of my "mucus plug" yet so it was still at least 2cm thick!! Not what I wanted to hear, but she gave it a good old go!

So now I have got another appointment on Saturday for another sweep and then we have a date for our induction to be on Tuesday the 21st which I'm kind of hoping we wont need as it will mean going to a bigger hospital for consultant based care. Rather than the small cottage hospital I had my first son at which is all midwife led care.

So fingers are crossed he'll start making movements soon. How is your pregnancy going? Have you gone overdue, if so how long did you go over by? Share your story below!

Love Sara xoxo

Friday 10 October 2014


Hi guys I'm so sorry I forgot to put this post up with my last pregnancy vlog update.... and speaking of last, I was very hopefully that this would be my last pregnancy update as I felt sure with all these silly false alarms that we wouldn't be going over due with this baby. Especially seen as I hadn't gone over with Tyler, my first son. Click here for his labour and delivery story. But I don't think he is going to come early I think he's far to comfortable where he is at the moment!

Here's my last vlog for you guys to watch rather than me write it all down on here, for you to hear again if you watch the update too!!

I have my 40 week pregnancy midwife appointment on Monday the 13th October. If I haven't had the baby before then I shall hopefully film and upload what I hope would definitely be my last pregnancy update for you next week! If I don't make my appointment you may not see me for a little while, However I do hope to film another labour and delivery story for you guys and of course a meet my baby video for you all!!

Take care. Love Sara xoxo

Tuesday 16 September 2014

36 Week Pregnancy Update ¦Baby Number 2¦ Mommy Monday

Hi guys welcome back to another mommy Monday which means another pregnancy update! So I turned 36 weeks on Saturday but I had my midwife appointment on Friday as my midwife is on holiday this week however she wanted to make sure she saw me after our little false alarm!

Babies movements: Baby is still really active, always moving around and he seems to be getting even more active all the time. Especially in the day time, and at bed time.

Braxton Hicks: These are still very regular since I updated you with the false alarm, I had let you know that the braxton hicks or practice contractions I was having were very regular on the monitor I was hooked up too. So due to this my midwife has said I am to rest lots and less walking for at least the next week until we get to 37+ weeks due to this been considered safe to deliver the baby. It would also mean being able to delivery the baby at our local cottage hospital rather than having an emergency birth at the larger consultant led hospital.

Wedding/Engagement Ring: Has been off for quite a while now, my fingers tend to swell up throughout the day. Sometimes they don't sometimes they do, just one of those things. So I'd rather not take the risk of getting one stuck!!

Hospital Bags: Are all packed and ready to go, so make sure you look out for those videos coming to my youtube channel soon! I actually really enjoyed packing mine and the babies bags. Although i have repacked them so many times already now!! Am I alone here?

Lightening crotch!: If you don't know what this is, or you haven't heard the expression before. It's like a sharp sudden pain/twinge down there which I believe happens due to the baby dropping or hitting a nerve.

I will be posting an extra video this Wednesday for you guys this week too, as I want to make sure I get my Hospital bag videos up before the baby is born and also a small baby haul I got, along with my first impressions on my new nappy bag!

Lady Sara Miller xoxo

Saturday 13 September 2014


Monday was quite an eventful day for us this week! As this baby boy decided it would be fun to have us thinking labour was about to start!! 

It all started on the Sunday evening when I had some pains in my hips, it felt like they were opening up and widening in preparation for delivery! I didn't pay too much attention as I just assumed the baby must have been dropping quite quickly. Along with that it gave me some back problems through out the week and a lot of lightening crotch! 

I called my midwife on the Monday as I had a very small amount of spotting when I woke up. So she advised I head to the bigger hospital an hour away as the hospital I'm due to go to for the birth is only a small cottage hospital so their are no consultants etc their for emergency care! 

When we got the hospital we had a bit of a wait but we finally got seen and I had to sit on a monitor for almost an hour due to how much he was wriggling!! Which was quite reassuring really, however after a while of been stuck on a monitor I kinda wanted him to just sit still for at least half hour so I could come off the machine.

After finally been able to come off the machine, with him wriggling and moving around a little less. We learnt he had turned around making him back to back!! But he was very low. So I now knew why my back had been so bad! Then the midwife asked if I had been noticing the tightening's I had been having while on the montior, I jokingly answered with a yes that I've felt them, they weren't painful but they were feeling rather regular. 

Thankfully after an internal examination it turned out that I hadn't started to have a show and my waters weren't starting to go either. That was quite a relief. I got discharged and told I was to call back if the regular tightening's became painful or more intense. 

So we had scheduled another midwife appointment this Friday which was yesterday. That update will be up next week for you all! So look out for that and some more information on how this little man is doing!

Have a great weekend everyone! 

Monday 8 September 2014


Hi guys, so I have decided to share with you all the labour and delivery story of my first son Tyler, I am hoping to share my experience with my second son so it only seemed right to share with you what happened during my first childbirth experience!! I hope you enjoy and share your stories too.

Love Sara xoxo